月球背面 - 南征北战NZBZ

月球背面 - 南征北战NZBZ




[00:00.90]月球背面 - 南征北战NZBZ

[00:18.06]每天每夜 长年累月


[00:26.78]谁有所亏欠 谁整夜未眠




[00:44.20]异想天开 毫无防备

[00:48.90]爱过一场 如今何必争锋相对




[00:59.08]被束之高阁 不苟言笑了





[01:10.19]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[01:13.59]After all these years and all the pain

[01:18.63]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[01:22.25]There is nothing left for you and me

[01:27.74]像被掏空 像木偶被操纵

















[02:11.47]异想天开 毫无防备

[02:16.20]爱过一场 如今何必争锋相对

[02:19.82]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[02:23.55]After all these years and all the pain

[02:28.44]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[02:32.13]There is nothing left for you and me




[02:48.27]被束之高阁 不苟言笑了





[02:59.25]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[03:02.52]After all these years and all the pain

[03:07.75]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[03:11.23]There is nothing left for you and me





[00:00.90]月球背面 - 南征北戰NZBZ

[00:18.06]每天每夜 長年累月


[00:26.78]誰有所虧欠 誰整夜未眠




[00:44.20]異想天開 毫無防備

[00:48.90]愛過一場 如今何必爭鋒相對




[00:59.08]被束之高閣 不茍言笑了





[01:10.19]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[01:13.59]After all these years and all the pain

[01:18.63]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[01:22.25]There is nothing left for you and me

[01:27.74]像被掏空 像木偶被操縱

















[02:11.47]異想天開 毫無防備

[02:16.20]愛過一場 如今何必爭鋒相對

[02:19.82]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[02:23.55]After all these years and all the pain

[02:28.44]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[02:32.13]There is nothing left for you and me




[02:48.27]被束之高閣 不茍言笑了





[02:59.25]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[03:02.52]After all these years and all the pain

[03:07.75]I'm still in love I'm still in love

[03:11.23]There is nothing left for you and me

该精彩内容来自 qqyin.com