灼热宫殿 歌词 - 饭卡

灼热宫殿 歌词 - 饭卡

[00:00.00] 作词 : 饭卡
[00:00.55] 作曲 : 饭卡
[00:01.10] 编曲 : 饭卡/The Magazine
[00:01.65] 制作人 : 饭卡/The Magazine
[00:02.20] 录音 : 李吉吉 @ Ace Station
[00:02.75] 录音棚 : Ace Station
[00:03.30] 和声 : 饭卡
[00:03.85] 人声编辑 : 饭卡
[00:04.40] 混音 : Willim缪维霖
[00:04.95] 母带 : Willim缪维霖
[00:05.50] 音乐监制 : 吴哲宇
[00:06.05] 音乐发行 : 黄咏竹/吴哲宇/封帆
[00:06.60] 出品 : 哔哩哔哩音乐制作中心
[00:10.34] 可能有些人生来命运就不
[00:11.86] 太一样
[00:12.62] 可能有些亲身经历过很难
[00:14.09] 再遗忘
[00:15.15] 多少只眼睛盯着看我们欲
[00:16.55] 盖弥彰
[00:17.65] 只庆幸老天没有赐我一副
[00:19.20] 坏皮相
[00:20.19] So make it hot, make it pop,
[00:21.62] make it hard like a rock
[00:22.56] 嘴硬的家伙们在负隅顽抗
[00:23.89] I'll let them talk——
[00:25.29] 抱歉我实在没什么耐心闲心
[00:26.68] 陪你们推导结果原因
[00:27.93] Yea we're right on the spot
[00:29.16] Show us what you have got
[00:30.49] 就继续 窥视我 畏惧我 追着我 对付我
[00:32.92] 却还要 背着我 跪着说 佩服我 huh
[00:35.23] 大难临了头 才发现房门上了锁
[00:38.04] 再看是谁点着了屋子里的火
[00:39.72] Welcome to my——house
[00:42.96] 不成器的家伙最好明白 time to shut ya——mouth
[00:49.60] Welcome to my——house
[00:52.98] 地面上的人们学不来我 walking in the——clouds
[00:59.53] I say welcome to my——
[01:01.03] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[01:04.16] 给这世 界染一场高烧
[01:05.08] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[01:08.45] 猎物们 赶紧逃之夭夭
[01:10.65] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[01:12.89] 灼热的宫殿 是谁的梦魇
[01:17.09] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[01:18.27] Cuz we the house——
[01:20.42] DROP IT
[01:41.21] Welcome to the game
[01:42.19] 屏住呼吸目不转睛
[01:43.68] Bet ya heard my name
[01:44.69] 摇尾乞怜我不想听
[01:46.18] 看客们表情 跟着我的flow 跌跌跌跌宕起伏
[01:48.22] 踉踉跄跄贴上几步 就妄想逃出我的掌心
[01:51.07] 猎人的赏金 只是狩猎者的 调味料
[01:53.45] 嘴里的肉太多了 我该买点 肠胃药
[01:56.11] 不吃硬 不吃软 谁的命 我不管
[01:58.41] 那些个不听话的 活该被我嚼碎掉
[02:02.17] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[02:06.21] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[02:10.55] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[02:15.48] (House of the Hot-Headed)
[02:20.38] Welcome to my——house
[02:25.06] Time to shut ya——mouth
[02:30.08] Welcome to my——house
[02:34.74] Walking in the——clouds
[02:39.52] I say welcome to my——
作词 : 饭卡
作曲 : 饭卡
编曲 : 饭卡/The Magazine
制作人 : 饭卡/The Magazine
录音 : 李吉吉 @ Ace Station
录音棚 : Ace Station
和声 : 饭卡
人声编辑 : 饭卡
混音 : Willim缪维霖
母带 : Willim缪维霖
音乐监制 : 吴哲宇
音乐发行 : 黄咏竹/吴哲宇/封帆
出品 : 哔哩哔哩音乐制作中心
So make it hot, make it pop,
make it hard like a rock
I'll let them talk——
Yea we're right on the spot
Show us what you have got
就继续 窥视我 畏惧我 追着我 对付我
却还要 背着我 跪着说 佩服我 huh
大难临了头 才发现房门上了锁
Welcome to my——house
不成器的家伙最好明白 time to shut ya——mouth
Welcome to my——house
地面上的人们学不来我 walking in the——clouds
I say welcome to my——
(House of the Hot-Headed)
给这世 界染一场高烧
(House of the Hot-Headed)
猎物们 赶紧逃之夭夭
(House of the Hot-Headed)
灼热的宫殿 是谁的梦魇
(House of the Hot-Headed)
Cuz we the house——
Welcome to the game
Bet ya heard my name
看客们表情 跟着我的flow 跌跌跌跌宕起伏
踉踉跄跄贴上几步 就妄想逃出我的掌心
猎人的赏金 只是狩猎者的 调味料
嘴里的肉太多了 我该买点 肠胃药
不吃硬 不吃软 谁的命 我不管
那些个不听话的 活该被我嚼碎掉
(House of the Hot-Headed)
(House of the Hot-Headed)
(House of the Hot-Headed)
(House of the Hot-Headed)
Welcome to my——house
Time to shut ya——mouth
Welcome to my——house
Walking in the——clouds
I say welcome to my——

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