小事变乐事 - 罗志祥

小事变乐事 - 罗志祥



[00:00.00]小事变乐事 (2010乐事广告主题曲) - 罗志祥 (Show Lo)

[00:00.24]Here we go

[00:04.30]不论大小事 乐事随时报到

[00:07.91]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[00:11.11]不必太过高调 我们知道就好

[00:14.96]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[00:18.21]乐在其中 还有什么无聊

[00:22.20]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[00:25.31]还有什么烦恼 想乐事就笑

[00:29.35]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

[00:32.39]炎热是小事 看著美腿是乐事

[00:36.52]快乐不可数 欢乐就是态度

[00:40.11]结果是小事 但是过程是乐事

[00:43.59]就算累 就算苦 笑一笑就当吃补

[00:46.85]Wa Oh 现在欢乐当道 Wa Oh Yeah

[00:51.47]WooWooWoo 分享欢笑爽到

[00:56.95]GO GO GO 跟阳光一起热闹

[00:58.46]Where's Buddy

[00:58.82]Where's Music

[00:59.32]It's the Party


[01:00.31]不论大小事 乐事随时报到

[01:05.14]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[01:08.63]不必太过高调 我们知道就好

[01:12.28]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[01:16.01]乐在其中 还有什么无聊

[01:19.49]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[01:22.38]还有什么烦恼 想乐事就笑

[01:26.18]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

[01:37.50]失恋是小事 记得下个是乐事

[01:41.19]闪光族 多注目 找到真爱是福

[01:44.73]输球只是小事 遇到好对手就是乐事

[01:47.89]每一天 有乐事 开始笑到管不住

[01:51.81]Wa Oh 现在欢乐当道 Wa Oh Yeah

[01:59.13]WooWooWoo 分享欢笑爽到

[02:01.64]GO GO GO 跟阳光一起热闹

[02:04.02]Where's Buddy

[02:04.47]Where's Music

[02:04.94]It's the Party


[02:06.25]不论大小事 乐事随时报到

[02:09.68]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[02:13.38]不必太过高调 我们知道就好

[02:16.87]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[02:19.74]乐在其中 还有什么无聊

[02:24.12]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[02:27.34]还有什么烦恼 想乐事就笑

[02:31.23]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

[02:49.19]不用费心寻找 乐事随时报到

[02:52.84]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[02:56.37]网路如果当掉 休息一下也好

[02:59.99]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[03:02.78]乐在其中 是我生活之道

[03:07.04]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[03:10.42]还有什么烦躁 想乐事就笑

[03:14.22]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting




[00:00.00]小事變樂事 (2010樂事廣告主題曲) - 羅志祥 (Show Lo)

[00:00.24]Here we go

[00:04.30]不論大小事 樂事隨時報到

[00:07.91]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[00:11.11]不必太過高調 我們知道就好

[00:14.96]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[00:18.21]樂在其中 還有什么無聊

[00:22.20]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[00:25.31]還有什么煩惱 想樂事就笑

[00:29.35]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

[00:32.39]炎熱是小事 看著美腿是樂事

[00:36.52]快樂不可數 歡樂就是態度

[00:40.11]結果是小事 但是過程是樂事

[00:43.59]就算累 就算苦 笑一笑就當吃補

[00:46.85]Wa Oh 現在歡樂當道 Wa Oh Yeah

[00:51.47]WooWooWoo 分享歡笑爽到

[00:56.95]GO GO GO 跟陽光一起熱鬧

[00:58.46]Where's Buddy

[00:58.82]Where's Music

[00:59.32]It's the Party


[01:00.31]不論大小事 樂事隨時報到

[01:05.14]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[01:08.63]不必太過高調 我們知道就好

[01:12.28]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[01:16.01]樂在其中 還有什么無聊

[01:19.49]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[01:22.38]還有什么煩惱 想樂事就笑

[01:26.18]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

[01:37.50]失戀是小事 記得下個是樂事

[01:41.19]閃光族 多注目 找到真愛是福

[01:44.73]輸球只是小事 遇到好對手就是樂事

[01:47.89]每一天 有樂事 開始笑到管不住

[01:51.81]Wa Oh 現在歡樂當道 Wa Oh Yeah

[01:59.13]WooWooWoo 分享歡笑爽到

[02:01.64]GO GO GO 跟陽光一起熱鬧

[02:04.02]Where's Buddy

[02:04.47]Where's Music

[02:04.94]It's the Party


[02:06.25]不論大小事 樂事隨時報到

[02:09.68]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[02:13.38]不必太過高調 我們知道就好

[02:16.87]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[02:19.74]樂在其中 還有什么無聊

[02:24.12]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[02:27.34]還有什么煩惱 想樂事就笑

[02:31.23]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

[02:49.19]不用費心尋找 樂事隨時報到

[02:52.84]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[02:56.37]網路如果當掉 休息一下也好

[02:59.99]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Baby

[03:02.78]樂在其中 是我生活之道

[03:07.04]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party Crazy

[03:10.42]還有什么煩躁 想樂事就笑

[03:14.22]Boom Yeah Boom Let's get the Party starting

该精彩内容来自 lrc.tool55.com