修罗 - 罗志祥

修罗 - 罗志祥



[00:00.00]修罗 - 罗志祥

[00:37.38]活在炼狱的修罗 准备好解开了枷锁

[00:40.11]善与恶在和现实拉扯争夺 everybody know

[00:42.91]根本没在躲 没你想象那么坏



[00:49.65]任何时间 任何一天 早就厌倦

[00:52.42]别给虚伪的恩惠 we gonna shine anyway

[00:55.22]I not the king 不是与生俱来的命

[00:57.32]像个战士一般 come back

[00:59.24]Like the mutha Man

[01:00.65]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[01:03.60]I'm big I'm bad yo already know my name

[01:06.43]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[01:09.34]I'm big I'm bad I'm top dog

[01:22.91]I'm top dog

[01:35.59]曾经站在高处 也在山下打滚无数

[01:38.31]在深渊感到无助 看清所有肮脏事物

[01:41.09]看看我这废物 拨开眼前迷雾

[01:44.01]小人物也可以站得住 开拓自己的路

[01:47.23]不解释 不代表 就要被定罪

[01:49.93]新的涂料 新的好货 新的plan

[01:52.83]I'll show you my label crew

[01:55.23]Don't fear the reaper

[01:56.91]All love gotta do it for my fans

[01:59.09]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[02:01.76]I'm big I'm bad yo already know my name

[02:04.64]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[02:07.51]I'm big I'm bad I'm top dog




[00:00.00]修羅 - 羅志祥

[00:37.38]活在煉獄的修羅 準備好解開了枷鎖

[00:40.11]善與惡在和現實拉扯爭奪 everybody know

[00:42.91]根本沒在躲 沒你想象那么壞



[00:49.65]任何時間 任何一天 早就厭倦

[00:52.42]別給虛偽的恩惠 we gonna shine anyway

[00:55.22]I not the king 不是與生俱來的命

[00:57.32]像個戰士一般 come back

[00:59.24]Like the mutha Man

[01:00.65]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[01:03.60]I'm big I'm bad yo already know my name

[01:06.43]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[01:09.34]I'm big I'm bad I'm top dog

[01:22.91]I'm top dog

[01:35.59]曾經站在高處 也在山下打滾無數

[01:38.31]在深淵感到無助 看清所有骯臟事物

[01:41.09]看看我這廢物 撥開眼前迷霧

[01:44.01]小人物也可以站得住 開拓自己的路

[01:47.23]不解釋 不代表 就要被定罪

[01:49.93]新的涂料 新的好貨 新的plan

[01:52.83]I'll show you my label crew

[01:55.23]Don't fear the reaper

[01:56.91]All love gotta do it for my fans

[01:59.09]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[02:01.76]I'm big I'm bad yo already know my name

[02:04.64]I'm big I'm bad top dog in my game

[02:07.51]I'm big I'm bad I'm top dog

该精彩内容来自 lrc.tool55.com